While it is difficult to imagine anything other than Rome (caput mundi, the center of the world), Lazio is actually a beautiful and diverse region, located in central Italy. There are also fascinating Etruscan ruins in Civitavecchia and Tarquinia, Roman ruins in Tivoli and Ostia Antica the Papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, fabulous beaches in the towns of Formia and Sperlonga in southern Lazio.

Lazio is a region for all seasons - beaches and volcanic lakes bring must needed relief from the heat of the city. Springtime is beautiful in the city and outside. The small villages of the Colle Albani region host all sorts festivals in the fall. And to experience Christmas in Rome is a truly unique experience. To avoid the crowds in Rome, try November or March. Keep in mind that it is a city of 5 million people, so uncrowded is a relative term.

There is an Italian saying: “Roma? Non basta una vita” (Rome? One lifetime is not enough). This is certainly true. Entire vacations can be dedicated to the Eternal City. But sometimes, even the most dedicated Romaniac needs a respite from the city. In such cases try some day trips to explore the very local area: the park of Monsters in Bomarzo, the enchanting gardens of Ninfa, Villa D’Este in Tivoli or the charming hill town of Viterbo, near the border of Umbria.

Roman food is not fancy. It's steeped in tradition and it tells the story of the city and the region surrounding it. Look for the standbys at reputable places and you can't go wrong: Cacio e pepe, Spaghetti all'amatriciana, la carbonara. The street food is also delicious: pizza al taglio, supplì, crocchette di patate, fried stuffed zucchini flowers. Don't miss the Jewish ghetto in Rome for some of the most delicious delicacies of the Roman Jewish community including the thing I would probably include for my last supper: carciofi alla giudea - a fried artichoke so simple and pure that you can't even figure out what makes it that delicious.