The centerpiece of the region of Basilicata is Matera, which was named the European Capital of Culture for 2019 and is still an area that is largely untouched by tourism. The city of Matera has experienced a recent Renaissance thanks to a fascinating history of turning an impoverished area into a thriving and hospitable city. Other interesting towns include the ghost town of Craco, the Greek settlement of Metaponto, Potenza, Melfi, and Venosa.

Whenever you go, make sure you make advance arrangements. Once upon a time, this area was virtually untouched by tourism but as it is becoming ever more popular, its people are still working to keep up with the demand. Also keep in mind that it is best to explore Basilicata by car, as public transportation can be challenging.

Don't miss the Sassi (cave dwellings) District of Matera, which has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This was the setting of Mel Gibson's Last Temptation of Christ. Basilicata also has an extensive National Park (Parco Nazionale del Pollino) which includes four nature reserves. Though the whole region is considered "off the beaten path", you can feel less like a tourist and more like an adventurer if you choose to explore this beautiful region.

Like many of the regions of southern Italy, the cuisine of Basilicata is a cucina povera - peasant food. Lots of greens, Lucanian sausages, local cheeses, and delicious bread that comes from an ancient baking tradition from the Sassi of Matera are the cornerstones of the diet of Basilicata. Basilicata also produces the Senise pepper that has earned the IGP designation. ("Protected Geographical Indication." a certification that a food has been produced within the designated geographical region in a manner consistent with the qualities established by the Italian rating system governed by I.G.P. regulations.