This Sunday, March 8 is International Women’s Day. I love this day – maybe it’s the  Emma Willard education in me, but I praise a day to highlight women and to commit to working for equality and strength for all women.  This is the day to celebrate women no matter who you are.  Married, single, mother, daughter, sister, friend.  It is an all-encompassing celebration (well, for 49.76% of the world population anyway) and a time to remember the women in the world who are not as fortunate as we are. I think we as women appreciate each other every day and are pretty good about expressing that appreciation, but it sure is nice to have an excuse to heap on some additional love.

Here are some photos of some of the fabulous women with whom I was able to share Italy in some way over the past few years.   To all of them and to all of my sisters around the world, I send you love, mimosa flowers (in the Italian tradition) and of course, chocolate.  Auguri.


In Italy, the mimosa flower is given as it is a sign of the arrival of spring.  Bakeries are also filled with a delicious mimosa cake which is designed to look just like the flower. Here is the recipe:  Mimosa Cake.

To all of my sisters around the world, I send you love, mimosa flowers (in the Italian tradition) and of course, chocolate.  Auguri!

2 thoughts on “Festa della Donna – 2015

  1. Thank you so much Ashley for the beautiful pictures as a reminder of our wonderful trip. I will cherish it always…love you!!

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